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Helping  Alaskans build their dreams for over 35 years!

Timberline Sawmill

 17040 E Owens Cir

Palmer, Alaska 99645


Licensed, Bonded & Insured

Phone: 907-745-7346


Email: timberlinelogcabins@gmail.com

Whether we build your new Alaskan log home or you decide to do it yourself, take a look at what our packages include by clicking on “Prices.”


Feel free to download a brochure or email us for more information!

Text Box:  Nestled in the heart of  Alaska is a family run log home company.   

We’ve been building log homes and cabins for over 35 years.  These pages will  introduce our company and answer many questions you may have.

Alaskan Log Homes 


Alaska Log Homes - Custom built for you

Cabin prices